Crop Schedule
Exact dates vary according to weather conditions. Mother nature is still in control!
Winter Crops:
Apples (Honeycrisp, Jonagold) - September 25th - December 25th
Celery - All season
​Corn, Decorative - September 25th - December 25th
Gourds, Dried birdhouse - All season
Onion - All season​
Potatoes - All season
Sweet Potatoes - September 25th - December 25th
Yams - September 25th - December 25th
Fall Crops:​​​​
Apples (Golden Delicious, Fuji, Gala) - August 1st - December 1st
Apples (Granny Smith) - September 1st - December 1st
Apples (Honeycrisp, Jonagold) - September 25th - December 25th
Apples (Red Delicious) - August 15th - November 15th
Brussell Sprouts - October 1st - December 1st
Celery - All season
Corn Stalks - September 25th - November 15th
​Corn, Decorative - September 25th - December 25th
Corn, Sweet - August 1st - October 15th
Gourds, Dried birdhouse - All season
Gourds, Multi-colored Decorative - September 25th - November 25th
Lettuce, Green and Red Leaf - June 15th - October 15th
​Lettuce, Iceberg - June 15th - October 15th
Lettuce, Romaine - June 15th - October 15th
Onion - All season​
Pears, Bartlett - August 1st - November 1st
​Pears, Bosc, Anjou, Asian - September 25th - November 25th
Peppers, Dried Chili - July 15th - November 15th
Potatoes - All season
Sweet Potatoes - September 25th - December 25th
​Tomatoes - July 15th - October 15th
Yams - September 25th - December 25th

Other Crop Seasons:
Asparagus - May 1st - June 5th
Apples - April 15th - May 15th
Apples - Gravenstein July 15th - August 15th
Apples - Ginger Gold July 15th - August 31st
Artichokes - May 15th - June 30th
Blackberries - Black Butte July 1st - August 1st
Blackberries - Triple Crown August 15th - September 15th
Blueberries - June 25th - October 1st
Boysenberries - July 5th - August 5th
Cherries - June 10th - July 31st
Cucumber, Slicing - July 15th - September 25th
Cucumbers, English (Burpless) - July 15th - September 25th
Cucumbers, Lemon - July 15th - September 25th
Cucumbers, Pickling - July 15th - September 25th
Grapefruit - April 15th - May 31st
Green Beans - July 15th - September 25th
Green Beans,Yellow Wax - July 25th - September 25th
Loganberries - July 7th - August 7th
Marionberries - July 7th - August 7th
Nectarines - July 15th - September 25th
Onions - All season
Oranges - April 15th - May 31st
Peaches - August 15th - September 15th
Peaches,Donut - 15-Aug15-Sep
Peaches,Red Haven - August 1st - August 25th
Peaches,Elegant Lady, Elbertas, O'Henry - September 1st - September 30th
Peaches,Suncrest, Summer Lady - August 15th - August 31st
Peas,English (shelling) - June 15th - September 25th
Peas,Sugar Snap, Sugar Snow - June 15th - September 25th
Peppers,Anaheim - July 15th - September 25th
Peppers,Bell - July 1st - September 25th
Peppers,Cherry Bomb - July 15th - September 25th
Peppers,Hot Hungarian - July 15th - September 25th
Peppers,Jalapenos - July 15th - September 25th
Peppers,Sweet Banana - July 15th - September 25th
Plums - July 15th - August 31st
Raspberries - July 15th - August 20th
Raspberries,Black (Black Caps)- July 7th - July 21st
Strawberries - June 1st - June 30th
Summer Squash - June 15th - September 25th
Tomatoes,Cherry - July 15th - September 25th
Zucchini,Green, Yellow - June 15th - September 25th